Friday, August 21, 2009

East Texas Nursery and Greenhouse Conference

I would like to invite the ornamental producers in Texas to attend the 2009 East Texas Nursery and Greenhouse Conference. This year’s conference will be held on October 28th at the Harvey Convention Center in Tyler. The conference is a partnership between Texas AgriLife Extension Service, the Texas Nursery and Landscape Association, and Northeast Texas Nursery Growers Association. There will also be an IPM Workshop for Hispanic Workers. Registration prior to the meeting is $30 a person and $40 at the door. Five TDA CEU’s will be available. For more information visit or call Scott Ludwig at 903-834-6191.

This year we are fortunate to have Dr. Glenn Fain (Auburn University) and Mr. Trent Teegerstrom (University of Arizona) as speakers at the conference.

Dr Fain will present “Alternative Substrates for the Nursery and Greenhouse Industry”. The purchase and shipping of Canadian Peat and perlite are costly products for the greenhouse and nursery business while the future availability of pinebark is of concern. Dr. Fain will show you the results of continued research using WholeTree and forest residuals as substrates in greenhouse and nursery production. Research has shown these components are viable and sustainable alternatives to current substrate components. His presentation will cover harvesting, processing and use of WholeTree and forest residuals as substrate components in greenhouse and nursery production.

Mr. Teegerstrom will present An Introduction to the Nursery Cost and Profit Estimator. The Nursery Cost and Profit Estimator (NCPE) is a spreadsheet tool developed jointly by the University of Arizona and the University of Hawaii to assist nursery producers in determining the cost of producing individual plants or groups of similar products. Knowing the individual cost of each product is critical information to make sound management decisions. In an industry where a typical business produces often over 100 different plant products, knowing which ones contribute to profit or loss can be challenging. The NCPE is set up to evaluate products from in-house propagation as well as purchased propagation material, and for final size plants ranging from small containers to trees in large boxes. The NCPE allows determining the true cost of a product but in addition the opportunity to simulate the impact of different cultural practices, regulatory demands, and the use of new products or different inputs. Information needed to start using the NCPE includes the land and bench area in operation, including production and non-production areas, federal tax schedule F or C, and production records for specific products or groups of products grown in the operation. The NCPE offers producers the opportunity to weigh the risks associated with different cultural practices, pricing, and regulatory compliance.

Additional topics to be addressed will include:

  • IPM Update – Dr. Scott Ludwig (AgriLife Extension)
  • Insect Pest Identification - Dr. Scott Ludwig (AgriLife Extension
  • Plant Disease Identification and Management - Dr. Karl Steddom (AgriLife Extension)
  • Improving Postharvest Performance of Bedding Plants with PGRs – Dr. Brent Pemberton (AgriLife Research)
  • Training your Hispanic Workforce - Dr. Carlos Bográn (AgriLife Extension)

Don’t forget to bring your Hispanic works so they can attend Dr. Brográn’s day long “IPM Workshop of Hispanic Workers”.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Register now for water webinar series

Given the success of its inaugural Shine in 09 webinar series (recordings are online at, the Ellison Chair in International Floriculture announces a new 3-part webinar series that focuses on water quality, conservation, and management.

Why water?
Access to an adequate supply of high quality water is also a growing concern for the nursery/floral industry due to drought, urbanization, and competing demands have decreased available irrigation water. Additionally, regulations on consumption and runoff have greatly impacted greenhouse and nursery management and profitability!
The first of these water-related webinars will be presented on August 17 at 2:00 p.m. CDT by Dr. Paul Fisher, Associate Professor and Extension Specialist at the University of Florida. His topic will be: "What's living in your water? Water quality and treatment for pathogens and algae."

Paul also serves as the lead collaborator for the Water Education Alliance for Horticulture. The goal of the Alliance is to reduce runoff and water-related disease issues in the greenhouse and nursery industry by increasing grower knowledge of water technologies and water conservation practices. Current projects are focusing on the development of accessible educational materials for growers. They are also researching practical methods to assess how well treatment technologies work to treat pathogens. Click here to review some of the activities, programs, and educational materials of the WEAH.

Register now for water webinar series

August 17, 2009 - 2:00 p.m. CDT
Webinar 1 Topic:
What's in Your Water? Water Quality and Treatment for Pathogens and Algae
Dr. Paul Fisher, University of Florida

September 15, 2009 - 11:00 a.m. CDT
Webinar 2 Topic:
Knowing Exactly When to Apply Irrigation Water
Dr. Peter Ling, Ohio State University

October 20, 2009 - 11:00 a.m. CDT
Webinar 3 Topic:
Water Management that Makes Cents!
Dr. Don Wilkerson, Texas A&M University

Friday, August 7, 2009

Chrysanthemum White Rust Webinar

The Society of American Florists is offering free chrysanthemum white rust webinar hosted by Dr. Jane Trolinger, of Syngenta Flowers. The breeding and propagation companies have worked hard to develop good information about how growers can protect their crops from chrysanthemum white rust this season. For more information on the webinar, chrysanthemum white rust, and other invasive insects and diseases visit the SAF Website at: